Saturday, January 07, 2006

there's no place like home

god i love ann arbor. it is soooo great to be home. even just for a few days. weird as hell. but good.

this may have been the most absurd thing i've done in a long time, this let's fly home tomorrow nonsense. but yeah. i kind up just woke up one morning (well, technically, i didn't wake up, because i hadn't actually gone to sleep, but whatev.) and decided to go home. so i found a relatively cheap flight, packed my backpack, and started the trek to the airport. i think the flight itself was shorter than the amount of time it took me to get to the airport. seriously. but i guess that's what i get for trying to travel on new year's eve.

time it took to get from my house to the airport: 7h 22m
number of buses, trains, and car rides combined: 7
length of flight: 9h 33m
random people i ran into in the airport: 1
number of people i asked before finding a ride to ann arbor: 8
number of random people i've run into since being here: ?!?!?!?!?!?

most commonly asked questions (plural):
"what are you doing here?"
"are you home for good?"
"how's germany?"
"so what are you doing next year?"

answer (singular):
"ummm, i have no idea."

insert a few random hugs from people i hadn't seen in forever, really good food, lots of sleep, a few random conversations with bucks regulars, lots of coffee, and a little drama here and there, and you've pretty much got my week. getting back to germany's going to be a bit of a reality check after this. what was i thinking!??!!??!?!


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