Tuesday, September 27, 2005

panik!! the first "real" day...

ok, the details of my secret life as a tourist are being postponed, because i'm having something of a moral dilemma. (and, at the moment, a linguistic one as well--how the hell do you spell dilemma?!?!)

so. i haven't really figured out who i'm supposed to relate to more here, the students or the teachers. agewise, i might be closer to a lot of the students, but as far as stage in life or whatever, i'm clearly not in student mode and identify more with the teachers. but...since i'm not really a teacher, sometimes i'm in this awkward position where the students say things to or around me about the teachers, right? so then i'm sitting there, going, OMG, but Frau X is my new best friend!! or but Herr Z is so nice!! can this be true?! what if he IS a terrible teacher?? can we still be friends?!?!? oh no, what if the students find out i actually LIKE these people?!?! or worse, what if they're right, and so and so is the worst teacher on the planet??!? what am i supposed to say???! OR even worse...what if I'M absolutely horrible and everyone hates ME?!!?!
gasp. shock. horror!!!!

really, how am i supposed to sleep at night????


Blogger be said...

awesome! it's frightening really, the number of things one DOESN'T know, and that they entrust us with their children's education in spite of it all...=)

9:19 PM  

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