Thursday, March 23, 2006

the week in review

although it's only thursday. but if i wait 'til the weekend, i'll never write anything, so let's see...monday i was all excited, because it was pretending to be spring here. tuesday and wednesday it was rainy and gray and ass-cold, and i was beginning to wonder if it was a mistake to send half of my warmer clothes home with alicia... today, still cold-ish but SUNNY. and this makes all the difference in the world!! plus, my march issue of Paste arrived yesterday. and that is ALWAYS a good thing. a) it's mail. and it don't get a lot of that. b) it only comes every other month, so it's not like your credit card bill or something, that you expect--and dread, if you're me!!--every month, look at and throw out the window in hopes that it will simply disappear. with paste it's like a surprise every time, because i forget that it's coming, and because i'm overseas, it takes longer to get here, and you never really know if it'll even show up at all.

and i ran into one of my fellow folk-music loving germans (mel, if you're reading this, there is at least ONE WHOLE EUROPEAN who likes such music!! there's still hope!!!!) we didn't actually talk music, but just remembering that he exists was helpful. many of you know--although certainly not from experience or anything!!=)--that one of my favorite pasttimes is introducing my friends to cool music, and that's something i've missed horribly here. i remember the first time i heard someone in ann arbor--patrick, no less--mention the innocence mission, i just gaped at him, hardly believing what i was hearing. i didn't even respond or jump into the conversation or mention that i like them, too. it was one of the first times i was hanging out these people--jen, dan d and patrick. we were in sweetwaters at one of the tall tables against the back wall--and i was still trying to figure out what i was doing hanging out with these people at all. and patrick had to go and mention the innocence mission... crazy. sometimes i wonder if my life in a2 was really just a dream. especially that second year. i feel like it was always cold and snowing and dark. and beautiful and profound things kept happening anyway. in the midst of the all the chaos... i don't know. there were things i was sure of then. what the hell happened?!?!? =)

had lots of thought-provoking conversations and experiences yesterday and today... more on that later, still processing =) i'm going to miss my conversation classes with the 13th graders--they have the next week off to prepare for exams.

speaking of preparing, i'm supposed to be writing an essay for one of my applications for next year. i'm still taking suggestions if anyone out there happens to know what the hell i'm supposed to do with my life =) when i was at the fulbright seminar in berlin a couple of weeks ago, i kept asking everyone what they were doing next year, hoping someone would have a brilliant idea i could steal. but no luck... so yeah. instead of writing my essay, i'm blogging =) yesterday i procrastinated by downloading music. seriously, what would we do without the internet!?? i, for one, might actually get something done!!

but since the sun in still shining, i'm going to go procrastinate in the outdoors for a while...


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