help wanted

so now that i know where i'll be--or at least where i won't be--next year, i *might* need a job... unless some of you want to feed and house me and pay my student loans out of the goodness of your hearts. yeah, didn't think so... so i'm brushing up my resume, and here's what i've discovered: i may actually be the most useless person on the planet!! i have two useless bachelor's degrees. several years of work the food service industry. and this past year in germany, where i've neither improved my german nor gained any "marketable" work experience... so that said, here's a list of what i've learned this year, lovingly entitled...
"things you can't really put on a resume OR life skills i've acquired in germany"
stalking spiders, navigating train stations and airports, controlling my temper when dealing with deutsche bahn employees--after all, it's not their fault, not only to look both ways but also to keep an eye out for stray senior citizens and/or small children before crossing the street, putting the stamp on the postcard BEFORE writing it, stalking spiders, the cheapest ways to make international phone calls, did i mention stalking spiders?!?!
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