it's absolutely gorgeous outside. 65 and sunny!!! in the middle of november!!! (that's... umm, maybe around 20 celsius, for all you germans who can't convert! =) ) so i'm sitting outside on my porch swing with my cat and trying to think of all the millions of things i should write, seeing as i've been MIA since... oh, october 12, when it was SNOWING!!!! crazy.
let's see... i've been working 8 million jobs and loving it. most of the time. it feels good to be busy again. well, maybe not GOOD, but back to normal, which is comforting, if nothing less!! i'm at starbucks full-time and rendez-vous part-time. it's a good mix. at one point, i'd wanted to write a sort of cast of characters list describing my co-workers at the bucks, because it's just comical, but it seems the roster is ever-changing, and it's probably better not to post such things online anyway, but you know... they're cool kids, and we have a good time. even when we're not having a good time. which is pretty impressive =) seriously. and i've gotten a couple of them saying, "seriously!?!?" whenever something ridiculous happens. which is, of course, about every 3 minutes =) did 13 pre-teens really just walk in and order 38 frappuccinos?? seriously?? =) it's fun. rendez-vous is a little slower paced, but it's a whole different crowd, and that's a good thing. drip coffee. fair trade. in a traveler mug. heck yes!!!
october was a blur. it snowed. that's really about all i remember. and there was halloween. which meant halloween parties. and it's probably the first time in a while that i've been to a costume party of any sort. when i get a few of the photos back, i'll post them, because they're funny...
and now it's november somehow. not sure how/when that happened, but it did. and that meant voting, of course. i'd write some sort of political treatise, but i'm too lazy. and all i really have to say is, it's about time =)
what was really weird though, was walking across the diag on monday on my way to work. there was this huge assembly of the michigan zionists with their blue and white balloons, "got islam?" scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk, "november 7" stenciled every 6 feet in blue and yellow, reminding us all to vote, and in case that wasn't enough, the guy handing out pens printed with "Vote November 7th"... then later when i was coming back home, the zionists were replaced by a diag preacher and "voting is sexy" signs. add that to the "what is false religion?" pamphlet shoved under my door by the jehovah's witnesses, and this is one crazy town!! i love it.
so that's the last month in 500 words or less.
peace, y'all.
let's see... i've been working 8 million jobs and loving it. most of the time. it feels good to be busy again. well, maybe not GOOD, but back to normal, which is comforting, if nothing less!! i'm at starbucks full-time and rendez-vous part-time. it's a good mix. at one point, i'd wanted to write a sort of cast of characters list describing my co-workers at the bucks, because it's just comical, but it seems the roster is ever-changing, and it's probably better not to post such things online anyway, but you know... they're cool kids, and we have a good time. even when we're not having a good time. which is pretty impressive =) seriously. and i've gotten a couple of them saying, "seriously!?!?" whenever something ridiculous happens. which is, of course, about every 3 minutes =) did 13 pre-teens really just walk in and order 38 frappuccinos?? seriously?? =) it's fun. rendez-vous is a little slower paced, but it's a whole different crowd, and that's a good thing. drip coffee. fair trade. in a traveler mug. heck yes!!!
october was a blur. it snowed. that's really about all i remember. and there was halloween. which meant halloween parties. and it's probably the first time in a while that i've been to a costume party of any sort. when i get a few of the photos back, i'll post them, because they're funny...
and now it's november somehow. not sure how/when that happened, but it did. and that meant voting, of course. i'd write some sort of political treatise, but i'm too lazy. and all i really have to say is, it's about time =)
what was really weird though, was walking across the diag on monday on my way to work. there was this huge assembly of the michigan zionists with their blue and white balloons, "got islam?" scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk, "november 7" stenciled every 6 feet in blue and yellow, reminding us all to vote, and in case that wasn't enough, the guy handing out pens printed with "Vote November 7th"... then later when i was coming back home, the zionists were replaced by a diag preacher and "voting is sexy" signs. add that to the "what is false religion?" pamphlet shoved under my door by the jehovah's witnesses, and this is one crazy town!! i love it.
so that's the last month in 500 words or less.
peace, y'all.