Friday, March 30, 2007


i went to see "The Lives of Others" last night. i mean, i was expecting it to be serious, but i wasn't expecting it to be as heavy as it was. damn. (still processing. as usual.)

then i got home, and our stupid upstairs neighbors--who weren't stupid until they started having loud obnoxious people over multiple times weekly--were having tons of people over for sangria. and instead of having this party in their apartment, they've got people using the fire escape stairs--which happen to be RIGHT OUTSIDE MY BEDROOM WINDOW!!!!!!! so there are people constantly running up and down the stairs, yelling to each other, generally being loud and drunk. grrrrrrr. and more grrrrrrrr.

as if that wasn't obnoxious enough, when i went outside this morning to drive to north campus, i find my car crusted over with wine and dried fruit!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr again. those bastards. i mean, the loudness and excessiveness of their gatherings was already bordering on moderately discourteous, but this was just ridiculously rude.

(i'm a little pissed, in case you couldn't tell.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

apparently people are still reading this. impressive, guys =)

i'm sitting on my front porch with my cup of coffee watching it begin to rain. just a baby spring rain. oooh, the sun's coming out again! =)

i'm going rock climbing in a little bit. i've almost recovered from climbing last friday. almost. there's a bigger group of us going this time, so it should be fun. all the cool kids i work with are leaving soon =(

my brother's leaving for the netherlands tomorrow. i'm so jealous!!! i want to go somewhere cool! he's all cute and nervous and excited, and i'm all nervous and excited for him. i told him i'd come visit *grin*

Friday, March 16, 2007

beware the ides of march

i haven't posted since christmas?? really?? are you sure?

well here's why... because my life is ridiculous. i realize that's hard for people to imagine--i mean, after all, i work at freaking starbucks. but you have no idea. really. you just don't. that, and i have another job (and a half!!) and whenever i actually have a day off, something ridiculous happens. someone gets sick. someone dies. someone has a nervous breakdown. so who ends up working?? me, apparently. i like working. i really do. but sometimes, i want to sleep, too. or do laundry. or clean my kitchen. or have the time to cook something. like, actually COOK something. and maybe even have time to eat it, too!! *grin*

so other than working way too much, here's what my life looks like...

still volunteering at the afterschool english workshop for international kids, which is just fun. the kids are brilliant and adorable and amazing. they make me laugh a lot, which i love. they also remind me of the trillions of reason i should NEVER HAVE CHILDREN!! =)

the car drama continues. in addition to killing my car for what i think is now the fourth time since i've been home, i also managed to kill my friend/co-worker's truck. she was going out of town for the week, and knowing how difficult it has been for me to get stuff done around town with no car and the kind of schedule i tend to have, she very generously offered me the use of her truck while she was gone. she didn't really want it to sit around for a week in the cold, and why not help a friend out at the same time, right? i was so excited about having a car for a few days, i was already planning all the places i was going to go over the weekend. well... yeah, so i drove it to north campus for the afterschool workshop, then stopped by the store to pick up some groceries on the way home. i was at home for half an hour or so before i was going to go pick alicia up from work--and show off my mad truck-driving skills=) you see where this is going, right? i get out there and, of course, the truck doesn't start!!!! grrrrr...

i think this is God's way of telling me i'm meant to be a pedestrian.