Wednesday, February 01, 2006

who wants to do my taxes?? anyone?

yeah. got home this afternoon and was all excited to find an envelope in front of my door. woohoo!! mail!! NOPE. not real mail. just my stupid W-2's.... blaaaaahhhhh. i hate having to do taxes. i don't DO math!!!!

i did, however, have another lovely encounter with my favorite bus driver today. grin. oh yes. because i was almost having a good morning anyway... well, actually i was, sort of. i had just bumped into an acquaintance, and starting your day with a smile is never a bad thing. and wednesdays are usually pretty decent at school anyway, so yeah, considering i didn't actually want to be awake at all, i was having a pretty good morning. 'til i got on the bus. my favorite bus driver (hereafter MFBD. coincidence, that that starts with MF?!?!? wait, did i say that out loud? (i always wondered about starbucks and the mocha frappuccino abbreviation. that just seems so...un-corporate!!!) hmmm.)

anyways... i get on the bus, say good morning, show MFBD my ticket as usual. he indicates that he wants to have a closer look, smirks triumphantly and hands it back to me asking what month it is. i realize right away what he's so happy about. see, today is the first day of february, which means i should have switched my bus ticket--i have the student ticket, which you pay for all at once--or at least 6 months at a time, i'm not quite sure, but at any rate, you get the first six tickets for september through february all at once, and you're supposed to switch them every month. right. so i, having, of course, completely forgotten about the bus ticket thing, although i had at one point realized that today would be the first of the month, had the distinct pleasure of brightening MFBD's day. i rise to the challenge, of course (not), rolling my eyes (what else am i gonna do!?!?) at MFBD while i take my ticket back and inform him that he's right, it's now february. (i.e." you win, buddy.") evidently not satisifed with such an easy victory, he asks again, "what month is it?" just to make sure everyone else got it. i stare him down (don't mess with me, buddy, it is way too early in the morning for this kind of bullshit) and tell him again. my friend sanaiya is already on the bus, so i sit next to her, still shaking my head, half laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing and half pissed at myself for forgetting to switch my ticket and making myself such an easy target. she informs me he's been doing this all morning, which i quite believe. the girl who got on behind me had forgotten, too, but got off pretty easy, seeing as i'd born the brunt of it.

seriously people, i've gone at least a week without remembering to switch my ticket in the past without anyone so much as batting an eye. and why should they? it's paid for. in order to get one of these tickets with ANY month from september through february printed on it, you have to have already paid for the first sixth months. so it's not like he could really charge me--or any of the other students he harassed about it--for the bus fare. (well, he probably could have, but it wouldn't have been worth it, because it would have taken about two words from any of the parents for everyone to get their money back.) so it's not like he gets anything--other than personal satisfaction--out of giving all of us crap about it. he clearly does it out of spite, just to make people feel stupid. i mean, ok, i remember going through a phase like that, too--when i was like, 8!!!! getting brainteaser books from the library and stumping my brother or even occasionally my parents. (do y'all remember the "want to take an intelligence test?" thing? where you ask someone if they want to take an intelligence test, and then ask 4 or 5 questions of varying difficulty, then ask, "what was the first question i asked?" and no one remembers that the first question you'd actually asked was "do you want to take an intelligence test?"... it's kind of like that. it's just kind of bratty. (yes, i'll admit it. i was a bratty kid. at least at times. maybe i still am. at least at times =)) all i'm trying to say is that most people grow out of this phase. MFBD, however, has evidently not. and while i can forgive him his general grumpiness and even, yes, his downright brattiness, i have not yet forgiven him for intentionally ruining my one good morning!! (ok, so really only 10 minutes of it...but still!) if he had picked a normal day, when i was feeling a bit grumpy myself, say, then fine. but it had to be today, when i was, for half a second, having a GOOD morning??? the bastard!



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