cleaning house
this one's dedicated to all of you who have had to live with me =)
so my room has achieved a rather uncharacteristic state of messiness over the past few weeks. granted, it's not actually "messy"--not even really by my standards! (i don't exactly consider myself a neat-freak, although a few of my previous roommates might disagree!!=)) but the piles of crap to deal with have grown, and i'm not even going to tell you how badly i need to vacuum. the laundry was dealt with over the weekend, which improved things drastically, but still. the thing that concerns me about the current state of affairs is that i have no real desire to deal with it. normally, i get really freakish about such things--as those of you who've lived with me can attest to!--and come home one day and just clean the whole thing up in an hour, and then all is right with the world again. but i've been aware of and annoyed by the mess for a good two weeks now and have yet to actually DO anything about it--other than the laundry, which had a lot more to do with vanity than with cleanliness...
but thinking about roommates and various sketchy apartments and houses reminded me--in a roundabout way--of one of life's greatest mysteries...
when i started my first year of college, our incoming class was huge, and the university had something of housing crisis, and i ended up in a triple--sharing the world's smallest dorm room with not one, but TWO other people. despite general disgruntledness about the whole thing at the beginning, we all got along so well that we VOLUNTARILY shared the same room the following year. BUT both of my roommates were snoozers. I am not. I can neither understand nor appreciate the snooze button and highly doubt that i ever will. so the first couple of weeks were a little rough. 3 alarm clocks, 2 of which went off every 9 minutes for about an hour every morning. but then, somehow, we learned to sleep through each other's alarms, each only waking up to our own. but HOW?? how does your brain know which is yours? our alarms all sounded the same. we had classes or worked at different times every day, so it wasn't like we had developed anything even resembling regular sleeping patterns. (sleep?? what is this word "sleep"? we were college students, for crying out loud...) Seriously, though, i've been wondering about this for a good six years now--insight, anyone??
so my room has achieved a rather uncharacteristic state of messiness over the past few weeks. granted, it's not actually "messy"--not even really by my standards! (i don't exactly consider myself a neat-freak, although a few of my previous roommates might disagree!!=)) but the piles of crap to deal with have grown, and i'm not even going to tell you how badly i need to vacuum. the laundry was dealt with over the weekend, which improved things drastically, but still. the thing that concerns me about the current state of affairs is that i have no real desire to deal with it. normally, i get really freakish about such things--as those of you who've lived with me can attest to!--and come home one day and just clean the whole thing up in an hour, and then all is right with the world again. but i've been aware of and annoyed by the mess for a good two weeks now and have yet to actually DO anything about it--other than the laundry, which had a lot more to do with vanity than with cleanliness...
but thinking about roommates and various sketchy apartments and houses reminded me--in a roundabout way--of one of life's greatest mysteries...
when i started my first year of college, our incoming class was huge, and the university had something of housing crisis, and i ended up in a triple--sharing the world's smallest dorm room with not one, but TWO other people. despite general disgruntledness about the whole thing at the beginning, we all got along so well that we VOLUNTARILY shared the same room the following year. BUT both of my roommates were snoozers. I am not. I can neither understand nor appreciate the snooze button and highly doubt that i ever will. so the first couple of weeks were a little rough. 3 alarm clocks, 2 of which went off every 9 minutes for about an hour every morning. but then, somehow, we learned to sleep through each other's alarms, each only waking up to our own. but HOW?? how does your brain know which is yours? our alarms all sounded the same. we had classes or worked at different times every day, so it wasn't like we had developed anything even resembling regular sleeping patterns. (sleep?? what is this word "sleep"? we were college students, for crying out loud...) Seriously, though, i've been wondering about this for a good six years now--insight, anyone??
thanks =) i don't think i'm a neat freak either, but yeah...
the alarm thing isn't universal?? we used to talk about this all the time in the dorms. we were all amazed that we could sleep through our roommates' alarms. weird.
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